Onsite Health Clinics bring a unique model of personalized, affordable medical care and wellness programming to the company workplace. As our client, you can depend on our expertise and ability to customize an onsite medical center that meets the individual needs of your business. If you have an existing onsite clinic, our expert team offers consultation services to help you elevate healthcare experiences while reducing costs.
Our onsite clinic consulting and design services include but are not limited to:
Annual Surveillance Scheduling and Exams
Post Hire and Exit Exams
Virtual Care Options
Occupational Health Service Audits
Ergonomic Programs
(workstation assessments)
Foreign & Domestic Travel Programs
Workforce Staffing and operations management; Physicians, OH Nurses, Clinicians and administrative personnel
On-Site Pharmacy Capabilities
Audits & Risk Assessments and Consultation
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) program support, and implementation
AED program coordination and other mutually agreed EHS classes
CPR Instructors and ERT collaboration
On-Site Medical Surveillance and Pre-Deployment Testing
Work-related injury /Illness Care
Emergency Response and Triage
Emergency Response Planning
Disaster Recovery Plans
When you partner with Workforce Health & Wellness, you invest in the well-being of your employees, not just your bottom line.

Benefits Include:
Improve and maintain employee wellness and engagement
Improve and maintain employer competitiveness
Protect and improve your business’s bottom line